Portswood Church has a number of ministries for all age groups. We have services that all ages are welcome to attend on a Sunday morning, including children and youth groups. There are also midweek toddler and youth groups, as well as coffee mornings and other midweek ministries involving the Church Community members. The Ministry Leadership Team (MLT), Elders and Trustees of Portswood Church take their responsibility seriously to protect and safeguard the welfare of all children, young people and adults with additional care and support needs who attend or are in contact with our Church.
The leadership is committed to:
- Listening to, relating effectively to, protecting and valuing all who are involved both directly in church activities or others within the building, including those who are potentially vulnerable
- Encouraging and supporting parents/carers, including carers of adults with additional care and support needs
- Ensuring that those working within any of these groups are given support and training
- Having a system for dealing with concerns about possible abuse
- Maintaining good links with the statutory safeguarding authorities
- Support, encourage and protect staff and volunteers who work with any of the above groups.
Safeguarding is a responsibility for all.
A copy of our safeguarding policy is available on request
If you are a member of our Church and have any safeguarding concerns, please contact:
Designated safeguarding co-ordinator:
- Hannah Joyce - or 07963 297792
Please also complete the form:
Other safeguarding support can be found at:
Southampton City Council Children’s Resource Service
- Tel: 023 8083 3004
- Out of hours Tel: 023 8023 3344
- Report online:
Adult Social Care
- Tel: 023 8083 3003
- Out of hours Tel: 023 8023 3344
- Report online:
National Society for the Protection of children (NSPCC).
Tel: 0808 800 5000 (10am-4pm)
If 18 or under: Tel: 0800 1111
Report online:
National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Tel: 0808 2000 247
Get in touch
An update from Portswood Church Environmental Representatives
At the start of 2025 we would like to give an update from the Portswood Church Environmental Representatives - a group who share ideas and encouragement for ways to serve God by looking after his world and its resources (see Genesis 1 and Creation care in a climate crisis).