The Parenting Course
We ran two successful parenting courses last term using Nicky and Sila Lee’s material ‘The Parenting Children Course’. This is a five week course covering topics such as creating firm foundations; love languages and identifying children’s needs; boundaries; relationships and our values and vision for the family. We decided using a mixture of the DVD material and leading some sections ourselves gave the best opportunity for the participants to contribute to the sessions.
We ran both groups at our house on a Thursday evening and started with pudding, followed with coffee later in the evening. We had four couples attend each course which meant we fitted in our sitting room and it allowed good discussion as one group. On both occasions all participants were church members. They generated lots of great discussion and were very open and willing to share their own thoughts and experiences. We received positive feedback after the courses, with people commenting particularly on them appreciating the opportunity to take time out of the business of life with young children, to think constructively about their parenting. They were also all very appreciative of the fabulous band of willing baby sitters who did sterling work each week – so many thanks to all of them for making it possible.
We hope to continue to run courses on a regular basis, the plan being to offer the next one on a different night of the week, maybe starting after February half term. We would like to open it up to a wider audience than just church members, although feel this has been the best place to start. We already have one couple, one of whom has been attending Alpha, who are interested in coming. We would like to explore different materials and maybe also the possibility of tailoring something specifically to those with new babies, or expectant parents, about the changes that will occur in their relationships. Paula Robinson and Alice are also keen to offer another day time course, when she is well enough.
Thank you so much to the church leadership for their support and encouragement to us and for their prayers throughout.
Alice and Andrew Rose
You can read Edith's article about the course here
Photo credit: Crossing that bridge [day 130 of 366] via photopin (license)