Lou Flooks
Louise Flooks March 24


We are very much hoping to resume some limited meetings in person, post Easter, but for now, and including our Easter services we will be very much still on-line.   

For the evening of Good Friday, we hope to gather as many as possible, on Zoom. At 8:15pm, we’ll come together to bear witness to Jesus’ death.  In doing so we remember his sacrifice and the power of the cross to bring true freedom and relationship with our father.  

 In order to get ready for this we’re suggesting you create your own atmosphere at home. You’ll need 7 candles; these could be t-lights or whatever you have at home. All other lights should be off or dimmed. You’ll also need bread and wine so we can take communion together.  

 The service is a very simple one. It includes readings, prayers, songs and pauses. All put together to guide us through the event of that day, providing space for us to meet with HIM.  

 For the younger ones amongst us, and those young at heart, there will be an alternative Good Friday session on Zoom in the morning at 10am. 

 For Easter day we’ll meet all together, live on Youtube to look at the truth, reality and power of the resurrection. We will also have a presence outside the building that morning, as a witness to our local community, and we hope to connect those together (technology allowing). 

So, block out these sessions in your diary, so that you won't miss out on Easter weekend!

 Good Friday  

Young and the Young at Heart 10:00am  

Reflective – Silence and stones 8:15pm   

Easter Day  

Full Service 10:00am  

Portswood Church Youtube Channel


By Louise Flooks