Coronavirus Update
We are regularly reviewing our policies & risk assessment during this pandemic so please note that our guidance may have to change at short notice in response to the current situation. However, following the governments most current guidance, we no longer require people to wear masks inside our church building. However, we will continue to provide areas in our building for those wishing to be amongst others wearing masks. We will also be asking you to please continue hand washing or hand sanitising when entering the building.
The church windows will continue to be open to ensure that inside areas are well ventilated.
If you would like a bit more space around you, you can ask one of our 'Hosts' to seat you on the left hand side or in the Balcony.
Finally, during this time of transition, we would ask for grace, patience, understanding and respect for others peoples comfort. Thank you very much for your consideration!
Last updated June 2022
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An update from Portswood Church Environmental Representatives
At the start of 2025 we would like to give an update from the Portswood Church Environmental Representatives - a group who share ideas and encouragement for ways to serve God by looking after his world and its resources (see Genesis 1 and Creation care in a climate crisis).