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God’s word, the Bible, is the basis of our beliefs. Here we find out what God is like and how we can know him through Jesus. Each Sunday as part of our gathering someone gives a talk from the Bible. This takes us back to the source of our faith and reminds us of the Jesus we follow. As we grapple with how we understand the Bible within its own context and work out how to follow Jesus in our own world we discover the word comes alive to us and God, by His Spirit, speaks into our lives.
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Who do you say I am?
Yeast of the Pharisees
The Canaanite woman and feeding of 4000
What defiles a person
Jesus walks on water
Feeding of the 5000
A prophet without honour
Revisiting Matthew's gospel, chapters 1-13
Those who are wise
How long, O Lord?
Shaggy Goats and Raving Rams
What do you see?
Intimacy ~ God with us
Unexpected surprises!
God's word never fails
Look ahead - and beyond!
Our lives in God's hands
The writing on the wall
Resilience comes from God
Experiencing the presence of God
The Power of Prayer and the Grace of God
Resilience starts with Resolve
What's in a name? An introduction to the Book of Daniel
Gratitude of Heart
Festival Rhythms
First Fruits: What does God want for us?
Psalm 139
Psalm 84
Psalm 50
Living for the Glory of God
How to pray
Remember - two choices!
The Wisdom and Glory of God
Romans 15
Disagreeing well
Romans 13
The Way to Overcome Evil
Mystery and Lament
God's Mercy and Compassion
Living in Hope
Struggling to be free
Free from the power of sin
God's Abundant Provision
God's Power & Promises
Putting things right
Passion, Power & Pain
The Risen King
Servant King
The treasure, the pearl, and the blazing furnace
Hidden Truths
Longing to Hear
Greater Wisdom
By their fruit you will know them
Laying down the Law
Come to me
Evidence that demands a verdict
Further Warnings for Jesus' Disiciples
Good News and Bad News
Go and make disciples
Eat at my table
Follow me home
Living as exiles
Compassion in action
Introduction: Developing a Rule of life . SLOWing
Global Mission Sunday
Living out Wisdom
Learning from Wisdom
Looking for Wisdom
Listening to Wisdom
Psalm 67
Psalm 73
Psalm 1
Psalm 100
Psalm 121
Family Blessings
Redeeming Love
Kindness Confirmed
Returning Home
Mourning in Moab
Love & Forgiveness
Tough Love
The Greatest Love
Misplaced Love
Practical Love
The Greatest Commandment
(Easter Sunday) Love never fails
(Palm Sunday) In the presence of love
Jesus heals the blind and the mute
Jesus raises a dead girl and heals a sick woman
Jesus questioned about fasting
Jesus forgives and heals a paralysed man
Jesus restores two demon-possed men
Jesus calms the storm
The cost of following Jesus
The faith of the centurion
Jesus heals a man with leprosy
Stand firm!
Christmas Day Celebration
Carol Service
A Great Adventure
Together we grow
Whoever we are
Whatever we do
Wherever we are
All the difference in the world
A Reason for Hope
It is Finished!
Hope in the Pit of Despair
How to lament
When the Unthinkable Happens
Thanksgiving and praise
Creation & Life
A Defining Moment
A Dramatic Reversal
A Revealing Reaction
A Costly Decision
A Hidden Identity
A Different World
The community of the King
The faithfulness of the King
The sufficiency of the King
The sovereignty of the King
The hope of the King
Running with the King
The Victorious King
Palm Sunday: The Unexpected King
Just one thing is needed. Managing distractions in a busy world.
Jesus's inclusion of all ...
Changing our perspective
Encounter: Valentines Day special
True or False?
Ask, Seek, Knock
Engage: Don't Judge?
Seeking First
Give Out and Give up
Forgiveness and revenge
Law and Order
... fully human in every way
Carol Service: The word became flesh ...
Nativity: An adventure
The return of the King
Longing for the King
The least of them?
The body of Christ
A holy temple
Out of darkness
God's workmanship
God's possession
Fellow-citizens, members of the household of God
Servants of God
Chosen people
Living stones
Newborn babies
Strangers in the world
Jesus walks on the water
Jesus followers who attract others to Jesus
Boasting in our weakness
Judgement, justice and grace
Why does God "need" us?
How then shall we live?
No-one said it would be easy
By faith [insert your name here] did ...
Jesus invites you
Jesus frees you
Jesus longs for you
Intimacy with God: Jesus is who we need
Follow others' examples
Gym clothes are not enough
Hold on to grace
Keep your heart soft
Encourage one another
Pay attention
Who or what are we following?
He is risen!
Unleashed church
Testimony and witness
A pivotal moment
This is the life
Unleashed presence
Be bold, be strong!
Unleashed people
Unleashed power
Don't do anything yet
How do we do what God asks of us?
Who are we in Christ?
What does God require of us?
What is following Jesus like?
Are you longing for change?
How do we know what God is like?
The Nativity: Our place in the story
God has a plan and you're included
Mission where we are
Mission across the world
Loving and Caring
Word Alive! (The Bible)
God-dependent: Prayer
The Father finds me: Personal worship
The Jesus-shaped life of service
Digest the Word - Meditation
Word-food for life
Jesus' fasting face-off with Satan
The parable of the sower
Be careful
Looking through the window
If I could tell you just one thing
Elijah #5: Someone who confesses and is renewed
Elijah #4: Someone who submits to God in solitude
Elijah #3: Someone who obeys God in Spiritual Conflict
Elijah #2: Someone who trusts and living simply
Elijah #1: Someone who prayed
Fulfilled hope in a hard place
Facing death and finding hope
Christ in us, the hope of glory
Seeing hope
Knowing God in lockdown
No turning back
Lessons from Joseph
Feeling far from home
The storm and the refuge
The King with the personal touch
Facing pressure with the faithful King
Worshipping the Saviour King - "How do I respond to Jesus?"
Being ready for the returning King - "How can I live for Jesus when everything falls apart?"
The King's way to loving God - "How can I be close to God?"
Questioning the King - "Why should Jesus be my King?"
Challenged by the King - "What does Jesus really expect of us?"
Following the King on the road to Glory - "What about my ambitions?"
The values of the King - "What's really worth it?"
The Compassion of the King - "Does Jesus really care?"
The Priorities of the King - "A Topsy-Turvy Kingdom"
Depending on the King - "Can't I just work it out for myself?"
Listen to the King - "Does what Jesus says really matter?"
Ask! (The woman at the well)
Here be giants!
Waiting for God (Part 2)
Fat lambs
Here today, gone tomorrow
Regular check-ups
Salty springs
Faith made complete
The royal law
What is true religion?
Faith under fire
The God who gives wisdom
Knowing the will of God
Prayer against opposition
The Joy of the LORD
How not to lose your faith
The grass is NOT greener
Honesty is the best policy
Sticky fingers
Firewalls for marriage
Love your enemies
Family matters
Crazy busy!
Taking the Name: Ambassadors of Christ
No other name
Take off your shoes
Power to live: dead to sin, alive to Christ
Rescue and triumph
New life in Christ
Peace and reconciliation
Sin and forgiveness
Who do you say I am?
Does Jesus have favourites?
Does Jesus REALLY love me?
Where do I start?
What causes unbelief?
Does Jesus care about me?
Why following Jesus is full of faith and fear
Why did Jesus speak in riddles?
What does Jesus call his followers to?
Is Jesus good?
Can we still believe this stuff today?
What was Jesus' message?
Why should I look for Jesus?
The LORD comes down to meet us
Trusting the LORD in crises
Trusting the LORD - daily!
The LORD’s Salvation - Presence and victory
The LORD's Judgement, the LORD's Rescue, the LORD's People
The King, the gods and the LORD
Who is the LORD?
The Lord makes his move
The Lord of our story
Never grow weary of doing a beautiful thing
A real anchor
Real Growth in Tough Times
Real grace
Real hope
Real holiness
Real Relationships
A real word for a real struggle
Real disciple-making
Real disciples
Simply following Jesus
Time for a story!
In the beginning ... nothing?
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing
He breaks the power of cancelled sin
Responding to our generous God
The gift of purpose - empowered by gifts to serve
The gift of the Spirit
The gift of salvation
The gift of the Son - King and Kingdom
The gift of belonging to a father
The gift of life and value - Creator
Living for the risen LORD (2)
Living for the risen LORD (1)
Christ is risen! (Easter Day)
The arrival of the King
What Jesus will do through us
What Jesus has done for us
Questions and answers
Living for Jesus in a hostile world
Being fruitful
God in our lives
An unexpected journey
New life, new living
They didn't expect that!
The back story
Letting the light shine
The Christmas story seen through younger eyes
God's heart to restore what is broken
Being fruitful in a time of famine
Our Sovereign God enabling forgiveness
Reaching the end of ourselves
Unexpected visitors
The waiting is over
No hope but God
The Lord is with us
Shattered Dreams
In the beginning, God ...
The geese are getting fat
Walk the line
Jesus - hope of the nations
An unexpected journey
How can I know God's guidance?
The connecting community
The community of changing lives
How to really change; is it rules or relationship?
Battling on to maturity in Christ
Jesus at the centre of everything
Starting well and carrying on
Filled and empowered - The Holy Spirit
Worshipping and following
Life transformed
The King for everyone (Palm Sunday)
Responding to Jesus - Love and worship
The greater plan
Suffering, death and the difference Jesus makes
Believing in Jesus
The Shepherd and the Door
Seeing and believing
Jesus, truth and freedom
Dealing with sin, seeing the light
Responding to Jesus - his words, his mission, his gift
A hope that lasts
Hope of human beings restored
Hope of a new world coming
Why does hope matter?
The hope-giving gift
Back to Bethel
Mighty is the God of Israel
Face off
Still running
Desperate for love
The LORD will be my God
Introducing the twins
Introducing Rebekah
Our family tree
Our Eternal Home
He Restores My Soul
Walking in the Spirit
The God who sees me
The blessed life!
A prayer which changes lives
Tasting the bread - or turning away
Jesue, the bread of life.
Learning to live with Jesus
Getting to the truth about Jesus
Like Father, like Son
Jesus and the Father
Seeing and believing
The Saviour of the World
Water of life for the outcast
Reactions to the light
Looking for the light
Light in the community
Finding the light
Pointing to the light
Light in the darkness
Jesus - our thirst-quencher
Jesus is alive!
"Out of the eater. something to eat, out of the strong, something sweet"
Joy for the distance
Joy in Expecting
Joy in pressing on
The joy of obedience and fellowship
Joy in unity and being like Jesus
Joy in living, dying and struggling
Joy in frustration
Joy in prayer and partnership
Unafraid to hope
Unafraid of doubt
Unafraid to trust with the questions
Unafraid to trust in the silence
Unashamed to be committed to mission
Unashamed to be caring for one another
Unashamed to be dependent on God in prayer
Unashamed to be Bible-based
John Ayrton
18th October 2015
Matt 19:3-6; John 5:39-40; 2 Tim 3:14-17; Isaiah 55; Col 3:15-17
Unashamed to be Christ-centred
Our vision: to be growing outwards in the wider world
Our vision: to be growing inwards with each other
Our vision: to be growing upwards towards God
Habakkuk - Part 2: '...Yet I will serve the Lord'
Joel - Part 2: The Day of the Lord
Joel - Part 1: Rend your heart
Habakkuk - Part 1: Arguing with God
Hosea - Love Hurts! #2 "What can I do with you?"
Hosea - Love Hurts! #1 "..but me she forgot!"
Jonah Part 2
Jonah Part 1, When we say 'no' to God
Help from the Holy Spirit
The promised Holy Spirit
A conquering, generous King
The King who cares; on our side giving us help
Jesus in the highest place for us
The family of the risen King
Welcoming the King
Living for the King
How salvation comes
Inheriting eternal life?
Prayer and the Kingdom
Expect the unexpected
Following Jesus with others
Now or then?
God or money
The joy in following Jesus
The cost in following Jesus
The New Samaritans?
When it's all going badly
Peace on earth?
Donkey vs Reindeer! Real and relevant or fake and fairy tale?
What did God give you for Christmas?
On the home front
Citizens and workers
Money, ambition and wisdom
Everyone needs good neighbours
Real Spirituality / Adoption Sunday
Shining like stars
A good way to make a difference
Louise Flooks
19th October 2014
Acts 18:1-17
The right place to make a difference
The church that made a difference
Why bother?
You are the light of the world
Salt of the earth?
Great is your reward in heaven
When persecution comes
Showing mercy
Hunger for righteousness
Poor in spirit
Resting in God
The walk of faith
God's surprising work
Facing fear and limitations
Starting afresh
Living God's way
Learning from the old mistakes
When we're indifferent to Him
When we've had enough
When we are hypocrites
When we are deceived
When we are under pressure to compromise
When suffering comes
When our love cools
Why the church matters to Christ
Changing the world
Sent by the Son - Living the purpose
New life in Christ
Our part in God's plan
The need to keep growing (Ephesus)
See for yourself
Don't miss the signs!
Where's Christmas?
The silence is broken
Your prayer has been heard
Growing Church, City impact (Ephesus)
Where growth comes from (Corinth)
Getting back to growth: life signs in a sick church (Corinth)
Growing in a hard place (Corinth)
Growing pains: pushing through tough times (Thessalonica)
Real growth out of real ministry (Thessalonica)
Everyone's welcome
Families 4-40
The old problem and a new direction
Living the Big Story
Humanity 1.1 - God's big commitment
Judgement and a rescued creation
What troubles God's heart?
Only Human ... the story so far
Why it's all broken
Made for each other
The best of humanity
God of Creation
Experiencing the Holy Spirit
Making the right decision
Watchfulness and rewarding service
Life, God and worry
Life, wealth and relationships
Integrity and where it comes from
No 'easy listening' at dinner!
Responding really matters
You can't be neutral!
Teach us to pray
Making a choice
It's bigger than you think - belonging to the World Church.
Joy from more than a completed project
A picture of God's presence
Power for a fresh start
Repentance and forgiveness
Diagnosis - healing - rehabilitation
Facing up to disappointment
The promise that changes everything
God's word to the discouraged
Facing opposition and setbacks
Giving, building, praising, weeping!
The first priority - worship
Being in the big picture
What does this mean?
How fellowship works
Living for the future - loving for the present
Resurrection life
The gospel of the risen Jesus
Standing on the gospel
Grown-up thinking about worship
Spiritual gifts: Building up the church
Love changes everything
The body: How the holy spirit works
What the holy spirit does
Whose supper is it anyway?
Men and women and worship
Limits of freedom - and what maters most
A race to the finish
Giving up my rights - for something better
'One man's meat' - living with our consciences
Singleness and a foundational principle
Marriage and a foundational principle
Where is God when we're scared?
Personal boundaries - What about sexual appetites?
Relational breakdown - how far does it go?
Community boundaries - Where does tolerance end?
Leadership and ministry in the Kingdom of God
Talking with the LORD who speaks - Praying together
Living for the LORD who created - Perspective, purpose and discipleship
Walking with the LORD who leads - Guidance and discipleship
Learning from Abraham's faith
The promise-keeping God
God's heart to bless others - Abraham and Abimilech
Meeting the living God
Commitment - costs promises
Knowing God better out of painful questions
Choices, consequences, priorities
New purpose, changed direction, big challenge
God's gifts
He is risen indeed!
'I don't know him' - Facing failure
Learning to trust, being willing to serve
There's always more to learn
Shut up and listen!
Seeing it clearly then missing it completely!
Out of the comfort zone
'From now on ...' - everything changes
Hidden heroes in the book of Acts
Nehemiah: The day-job and the calling
Daniel: Public faith and professional jealousy
13th February 2011
Daniel 6